Support Services to the Rescue
Pat Criscito, CPRW
scene is a familiar one. Karen, a secretary in a busy New
York City office, is working on a statistical report when
her boss comes back from a meeting and gives her 20 handwritten
pages of a proposal to type. He apologizes for his delay in
getting it to her but explains that it must go out to the
client tomorrow morning if it is to be considered for a major
contract. He tells her to get help if she needs it. It is
now 3 p.m. Karen’s current project is also a priority,
and she can’t stay overtime because she has a date for
dinner and the theatre. No one else in the office can help;
calling a temporary agency is out of the question at this
Fortunately, Karen has another source of support. She thumbs
through her Rolodex, then dials a number in Colorado. Minutes
later, she faxes the handwritten pages to her contact, then
resumes her regular work. When Karen arrives in the office
the next morning, she views the e-mail waiting for her on
her computer, selects the one named “proposal”,
download its, and prints it out. By 9:30, the document is
ready for her boss’ signature and is on its way to the
client shortly afterward. Karen’s boss commends her
for her efficiency and resourcefulness.
Karen called upon a secretarial service with flexible hours,
knowing they had the staff to work 24-hours a day, if necessary,
allowing plenty of time to type the proposal. When it was
completed, the operator simply transmitted the document file
via e-mail to Karen’s computer where it could be retrieved
and finalized.
The same scenario has been repeated by business support services
all over the country, utilizing not just data transfer technology
but also couriers and next day air shipping. Even time zones
can be exploited—five o’clock in New York means
three extra hours of work in California.
Normally, a business support service is not a replacement
for your secretary, only an invaluable assistant, providing
overflow assistance when company staff doesn’t have
the time or the resources to finish the job on time. Secretarial
services are especially useful for special projects that would
require hiring additional but temporary personnel. By hiring
independent contractors, you gain the expertise of seasoned
professionals you didn’t have to train with state-of-the-art
equipment you didn’t have to buy. Think of the savings!
There is no need for:
Employment agencies
Employee taxes
Unemployment insurance
Employee benefit packages
Paperwork for all of the above
Coffee breaks and other lost time
Paid vacations and sick leave
Valuable office space
Computers, laser printers, etc.
Desks and other furniture
Telephones and fax machines
Office supplies and reference books
In the case of start-up businesses, salesmen, or executives
who travel a great deal, a central point of contact without
the expense of a full-time office staff is ideal. In those
cases, an outside business support service may be all they
With our increasingly global economy, the number of international
businesses has skyrocketed. And with it has come a need for
translations and multilingual word processing, as well as
office personnel who are skilled in cross-cultural communications.
When there is only an occasional need for such services or
more work than a company’s trained staff can handle,
hiring an outside business support service with these special
international skills is economical.
ProType is known internationally for its dedication to quality.
We offer outstanding and professional assistance that meets
your needs, including all of the services mentioned in this
article. Our company provides writing, typesetting, editing,
and proofreading services for authors all over the world.
More than one-third of our 1,500 active clients are based
outside of the United States. We also perform the initial
keying of the law books for the Shepard’s division of
McGraw-Hill in Colorado Springs, which means typing as many
as 10,000 pages per month. ProType has the staff and expertise
to provide you with exceptional service at a reasonable price.
No matter where in the world you find yourself, think of ProType
for anything from a simple letter to a finished book.
Criscito, a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW) with
more than 35 years of experience, is the president and founder
of ProType/ProWrite, Ltd. (an international business support service
offering writing, editing, typesetting, and personal branding
services since 1980). She is the author of Barron’s
How to Write Better Resumes and Cover Letters, Guide to
Distance Learning, Résumés that Pop!,
Interview Answers in a Flash, and e-Résumés.
Pat makes regular television, radio, bookstore, university,
and speaking appearances across the United States (including
Harvard, Yale, Tulane, SMU, Thunderbird, Colorado College,
and others).
Ltd., and Pat Criscito uphold the industry's highest Code
of Ethics as outline by the National
Resume Writers Association.