Pat Criscito, CPRW
Most people picture designers, models, artists, photographers,
and actors when they think of a portfolio. If you are one of
those people, don’t feel bad. You are in good company,
but you want to stand out from that group, so let us help you
manage your personal brand with e-folios on the Web and paper
versions for your interviews.
Increasingly, employers
want to see concrete evidence of the experience, skills, education,
and accomplishments shown on your resume. Have you ever been
asked in an interview, “Can you tell me a little something
about yourself?” Even if you rehearsed your answer a
million times, you probably floundered a bit, right? We have
been taught all our lives not to brag, so blowing our own
horn makes us very uncomfortable.
picture entering the interviewer’s office with a neat
leatherette binder in your briefcase. You shake hands and
have a seat. The dreaded question is asked, “Why don’t
you tell me about yourself?” You answer, “I would
like to show you instead.” You open your briefcase,
remove the binder, stand up, and walk around to the interviewer’s
side of the desk. “As you noticed in my resume, I have
. . . ” and you launch into your work history and accomplishments,
turning the pages in the binder and pointing to key items
to reinforce what you are saying. Now, you are in control
of the interview.
binder should contain no more than 25 pages of documentation,
neatly organized into four or five sections with dividers
and page protectors. The first section will contain your resume.
The next section will serve as an outline or overview without
the detail. As you discuss achievements, turn to the third
section with proof of those accomplishments—things like
newspaper clippings, magazine articles, company newsletters,
at-a-boy letters from the boss, testimonials, a performance
evaluation with key accomplishments highlighted in yellow,
the list is endless. If you designed presentations or brochures
in a previous job, include a sample. If you developed a new
software program, include a color copy of the box front. If
you wrote an article or white paper, include a copy. If you
are in sales, represent the amount of money you made the company
in color charts or graphs. In the fourth section of the binder,
include credentials (licenses, diplomas, certifications, etc.).
And lastly, in the fifth section, incorporate letters of recommendation.
the way, use copies and not originals of these documents,
and make sure you create labels to identify each piece. In
the inside front pocket of the binder, you should place a
few extra copies of your resume. In the back pocket, include
some copies of your letters of reference, a reference list,
or any other key information that you think you would want
to leave with an interviewer. Never give away anything else
from your portfolio, although it would be fine to remove something
for your interviewer to copy and then return to you right
key to an effective portfolio is to research the company first.
Determine what their needs might be and then select key items
for the portfolio that you think would be of special interest
to that employer. The portfolio you take to the next interview
might be totally different. However, you must be able to tell
a coherent story with the information. Make sure there is
a connecting thread so you can easily transition from one
item to the next. Practice before you interview!
formal interviews, a well-planned portfolio can be used for
networking, informational interviews, performance evaluations
on your current job, admission to colleges or universities,
and as a place to organize your career paperwork. It is a
professional self-marketing tool that will make you stand
out in a crowd of other applicants and give you one-up on
your competition.
the interview, though, recruiters and HR staff are "Googling"
candidates before deciding whether to even call them for an
interview. By creating an e-folio (personal website, sometimes
called a personal branding portal), you can manage what people
see when your name is "Googled". Besides the information
already mentioned, you can create a blog, links to your LinkedIn,
Facebook, or Twitter accounts, and other unique information.
help in creating a dynamic, job-winning portfolio, contact
ProType/ProWrite, Ltd., at (800) 446-2408 or email us at
We provide individualized consulting services at $96 per hour
or would be happy to put the entire portfolio together for
you at the same rate.
Ltd., and Pat Criscito uphold the industry's highest Code
of Ethics as outline by the National
Resume Writers Association.